Thursday 17 May 2007

Out & About

Okely dokely.

We've only gone out about 4 times so far, and have needed the nappy change facilities twice only, but I think I'll start a rating system. 5* (*****) good, 1* (*) bad.

Room 1: Myer, Eastlands First time in a change room. Clean, great chairs to sit on to feed, microwave, handwashing facilities and toilet that will fit a pram. Also a toddler area to corral them while feeding. ****

Room 2: David Jones, The Glen Dissapointed here - thought DJ's would have great facilities. 2 rooms, one a kitchen, the other divided into 3 areas with a chair and change table in each area. The bins for nappy disposal were all full (there were 3 bins in each area) and the stench was putrid. Thank goodness I had a bottle to feed Patrick with as I was gagging while changing his nappy. Microwave & handwashing facilities (but could have done with some paper towel) and a adult / small one toilet. Pram difficult to navigate through the area. **

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Karyn,

Just finished reading your entry about baby/parenting facilites available at some of the shopping centres you and Patrick have been to.

A really good book to get, is the nappy bag book, besides having all the info you'll ever need for you and Patrick (everything from clothes to baby friendly cafes) they also have a great section in there about good facilities. :D

Glad to here everything is going well many snuggles and kisses for both of you. :D


Ps: FG have good facilities also (down stairs off the food court.) ;)