Wednesday 9 May 2007


Well, we're home. Have been home now just over a week, and I'm sorry to say this is the first opportunity I've had to update the blog!

For those not yet introduced, meet Patrick.

Born on April 26 at 18:37, he was 8lb4oz (or 3.76kg) with a length of 50.5cm and head circumference of 34.5cm. We achieved our birth plan and now are introducing him to the wider world.

Trevor & Abbey were with me during my labour in hospital, and I must say the midwives at Knox Private are amazing. Mum & Dad arrived in Melbourne about 1/2 hour before he was born, so they were able to see him that first night (I hadn't even showered!). Dr Ken missed the birth by literally 5 minutes, but was there to do all Patrick's checks and stuff.

Friday saw the start of visitors, with Trev's family arriving on Friday morning, then our neighbours in the evening. More of Trev's family on the Saturday & Sunday, with the SES crew on the Sunday and my family again on the Saturday. Lots of lovely gifts, lots in blue, and some beautiful hand-made jackets, shawls, beanies and the like from family and friends.

Anyhows, its starting to get late and I'm sure he'll be wanting a feed soon - it's been just over 3 hours since his last one - so I'd best get downstairs and get sorted for our own tea. Thank goodness for all the cooking and freezing I did before he was born - tonight is shepards' pie, YUM!

Have a good one :)



Rel said...

Congratulations to both you and Trev !!!I have tears in my eyes, Patrick is just sooooo beautiful.

Rel xxx

Anonymous said...

He is soooooooooo cute!!

You have a lovely little boy Karyn

Maddy xx

Sherry said...

Awwww - I've gone all gooey! He's such a cutie! I love the pic of him in the yellow bear/towel.

Anonymous said...

He's gorogous hun.

Lots of love to all of you
